Chapter 1 / Thoughts
Thoughts – No.6
“[When] we can let go of the pressure to experience magnitude we can learn to love the little victories instead.” [excerpt, The Fullest Mag].
This article spoke about how as a culture we’ve come to praise this idea of ‘magnitude’, our addiction to “more” that extends not only into the tangible and how / what we consume but it also plays a role in how we value ourselves, our experiences and the accomplishments and moments that take place in our lives. We sometimes get so wrapped up in the glamour of the big and the extremes, that we forget that the small milestones collectively count for so much. It’s the small steps, the subtle yet intentional moments, the thoughtful pauses, that over time builds character and positive habits, that in turn create change and motivate impact. Don’t forget that these moments matter and are worth so much more than we often associate with them. So remember that the next time you bring your reusable tote to carry your groceries, or the next time that you compliment a stranger or the next time that you just happened to check everything off your to-do list for the day - you’re killing it.
@ocin | #ocinlimitless