Chapter 1 / Sharing Stories
Somewhere Sunnier with Britney Gill
Words: Courtney Chew
Photography: Britney Gill
If you find yourself on Britney Gill’s instagram, you’ll automatically be taken around the world to new (and often sunnier) destinations. Brit is a photographer and friend from our home city, Vancouver who captures natural beauty in a way that makes us wish we were right there exploring the dreamiest boutique hotels in Mexico, laying in a hammock in Bali, or swimming in the bluest waters with the locals off the coast of Italy. She also has the most calming presence that makes you feel immediately at ease when talking with her. We knew she would be the perfect person to kick off our ‘Somewhere Sunnier with’ features, sharing her favourite travel memories and some heartfelt thoughts to still inspire that ‘travel-self’ in you, while at Home.

On her favourite memory Somewhere Sunnier:
One of my most fond Somewhere Sunnier memories would be the 7 months that I spent in Africa. The most epic beach days were in Mozambique.
We hitch-hiked through the country and stayed in little fishing towns along the entire coast. The beaches were untouched and serene – we swam with whale sharks and the locals cooked us the fresh catch of the day every night over a beach fire. I have so many sunny memories, but Africa was a place that just showed me the beauty of simplicity and harmony with nature.
We tend to overcomplicate our lives with a lot of ‘stuff’ on this side of the pond and that continent humbled me and grounded me so deeply.

On her favourite song that always takes her ‘Somewhere Sunnier”:
My favourite song for the last two years has been “Freak Flag” by Nick Monaco. I love all kinds of music when I travel but this song is my new anthem wherever I am. It gets me on my feet and ready to dance without a care in the world, unshaken by what others think.
"I have so many sunny memories, but Africa was a place that just showed me the beauty of simplicity and harmony with nature."
On what she is taking away from this experience of being #HomeTogether:
WOW, there is really so much there. I think the biggest thing is to not put pressure on yourself to be ‘productive’ during this time. I think we all just needed a YIN break and a moment to slow down and separate ourselves from a lifestyle of doing. The rat race is real and our nervous systems needed some rest. This is a time to get to know yourself and reflect on where you are in life and that is such a gift. I usually only have these profound moments when I am travelling so it has been such a gift to have them while we are #HomeTogether.’