Chapter 1 / Collective Features
Taylr Anne Castro
Words: Talya Wong and Hannah Chew
Photography by: Taylr Anne Castro and Canon Castro
Taylr Anne Castro is a friend and human that we are grateful to include in our OCIN Collective. She inspires us with how she gracefully transitions between her many hats as an entrepreneur and content creator, but also as a wife and most excitingly, soon-to-be mother.
Based out of Orange County, California, Taylr’s west coast lifestyle is laidback and approachable. Her artistic flair for all things fashion, travel, and wellness are guided by her appreciation for self care and health. Though her platform as we know it started out as a personal project to collect visual inspiration, it has grown to become a beautiful community rooted in her values and unique outlook on life — observation and intention remain principles that shape who she is and all that she does.
Read below for a little Q+A with Taylr, and a fun rapid fire interaction between her and her husband, Canon.
OCIN: First off, congratulations on so much! A wedding last August and now a little baby on the way! Despite all of the challenges this past year and a bit has brought, we are so inspired by your continual push forward – you launched your skincare line, Etto Oil. How have you maintained a positive mindset during this difficult time, and what continues to motivate you?
Taylr Anne: Thank you so much! When you put it in writing, I guess I have been busy! I think during this crazy year, one thing that kept me moving forward was getting reinspired. While the world was moving very slowly, it allowed me some time to brainstorm and focus on projects I’ve been wanting to do for a while– allowing Etto Oil to come to life. It’s been really fun launching a brand and learning everything along the way.
OCIN: Tell us a bit about yourself. What was your introduction to the lifestyle and fashion space like?
TA: I live near the beach with my husband and our pup, and we have a baby boy on the way! I am due in November, so that’s been really consuming my mind. I've had a really good pregnancy so far, so it’s been so fun! As far as my introduction into the fashion & lifestyle space, I think it happened pretty organically. I started my career as a photographer and as I shot things that inspired me on the side, it naturally progressed into what my work is today; I feel very lucky to be doing what I am doing.
OCIN: You clearly have an eye for beautiful design and imagery. How has your aesthetic evolved over the years, and what advice would you give to those trying to discover their own personal style?
TA: This is such a compliment. I feel like my aesthetic has evolved and grown with age. My travels and experiences have inspired and fine tuned my eye to what I am drawn to. Discovering your own personal style takes time and it’s okay if that shifts often. We are meant to grow and change.
OCIN: Our OCIN Chapter II theme is Curiosity, and the idea of strengthening our connection to the world around us. We noticed that you’re a huge advocate of wellness and the idea of consciousness. What sparked your interest in this area, and what have you learnt through the process of developing Etto Oil?
TA: The biggest change happened in my life when I took the time to be more conscious in my life. Instead of constantly moving and shifting, last year was a time of regathering and becoming present in my daily rituals. I feel like I have always been conscious, but last year was a true pause. Etto was created from this time, and for that I am so thankful. When creating Etto, I wanted the product to not only be a physical act of self care, but an intentional break during someone’s day.
OCIN: We’ve loved the glimpses you have shared into your life with your husband, Canon. Has being newlyweds changed anything around your perspective on life together? Is there anything you’ve learnt about Canon especially during these new and wild times?
TA: Being married, I think we both feel a higher sense of commitment and unity together. It truly is a powerful and wonderful thing– we rely on each other and make each other better everyday, through thick and thin.
OCIN: Your platform has become a creative outlet to celebrate creative expression and share your lifestyle, but this public presence must come along with pressure. Could you tell us about some of the behind-the-scenes challenges that come along with managing how you share your personal and professional life through your social outlets?
TA: I definitely have days of doubt. Having a public presence sometimes makes you question what you’re doing and if you’re doing enough. Having boundaries on social media can be both beneficial and hindering, so it’s truly a personal decision on how much you want to share online. Whatever feels the most comfortable to you - you just have to go with your gut! I think it’s always important to remember that no one shares their full life on social media and it’s so important to be kind online! It always shocks me when I see rude comments online. Who has the time to write things like that?!
OCIN: How has the societal shift towards being more eco-conscious, especially in the fashion industry, impacted your mindset and the way that you make decisions and interact not only as a consumer but also as an ambassador and advocate for brands and companies?
TA: The biggest thing for me is to make sure that the companies I am working with are constantly making positive strides forward toward a better future. Some companies have a longer way to go than others, but if they are consciously and continuously making those steps forward, it truly makes me so happy to support them. I love the awareness that exists around eco-consciousness now and I think a lot of people want to use their purchasing power for the greater good.
"It is so easy to find passionate, like-minded individuals, as well as contradicting minds that have equally as valuable opinions, in order for us to expand, learn and grow."
OCIN: Social media continues to be a changing landscape with new technology, trends, and expectations. And as we’re seeing more and more, social media has the power to really impact conversations, inspire perspective, but also spiral into a bubble of likemindedness and validation in a way that can be very damaging. How do you balance your values and sense of self with this constantly evolving space? How do you consider your responsibility in using your platform to amplify and educate on issues that we are currently facing?
TA: These ever changing platforms are both a progressive blessing and a curse. I absolutely LOVE the community and conversations that we are all able to have. It is now easier than ever to connect and have open dialogues about topics that are super important to us. It is so easy to find passionate, like-minded individuals, as well as contradicting minds that have equally as valuable opinions, in order for us to expand, learn and grow. One concern I have with social media is how quickly people throw shade on each other. I do not believe every person needs to be a news source, because oftentimes articles are blindly reposted without the sharers doing their own work to research and educate. The bandwagon reshare is not a long term solution.
OCIN: Has the current state of the world changed or adapted the ways in which you run your business and share with your community? What do you see in the future for your personal brand and blog?
TA: 2020 was definitely a learning curve. We learned how to connect and adapt in untraditional ways and I think it made us all closer as a community. I hope to continue to learn, grow and expand my mind and the way that I share content. I plan to post more videos moving forward as well and hope to connect with my community on a more personal level.

Rapid Fires with Taylr Anne Castro and Canon Castro:
OCIN: What is something you’ve learned about each other in 2020?
TA: Something we already knew but is a key value that always holds true: Teamwork & communication is everything.
CC: I am always learning from Taylr - since the day I met her. We support each other daily.
OCIN: Where and when did you meet?
T&C: We met during the summer of 2018. We had our first date at the beach.
OCIN: What is your favourite memory by the ocean?
TA: Truthfully I have too many to count, but a recent memory I loved was swimming in the warm waters of Hawaii together, daydreaming about the future.
CC: My time spent living and diving on Catalina. I was able to dive in really remote areas that not a lot of people get to experience.
OCIN: What is the next destination on your travel bucket list?
TA: We would love to go back to Hawaii, and someday visit the beautiful French Polynesian islands.
CC: Agreed!^
OCIN: What music are you listening to right now?
TA: Vintage Reggae. Lots of Bossa Nova & Jazz.
CC: I’ve been listening to some B.B. King & The Fugees & Masego.
OCIN: What is a quote/words of advice that you live by?
TA: Be kind & always leave it better than you found it.
CC: Every little thing’s going to be alright.